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Custom Baseboard Cover Order Form



Unfortunately due to comodity prices being rediculously high almost across the board right now, prices will be adjusted to account for the higher market pricing on almost all materials.

To order your cover, please start by selecting your dimensions in the following fields. When measuring, please be sure you are measuring the wall space the heater takes up. Covers will be measured starting from the left side. For straight covers, simple enter the size of your heater, then choose end at the right. For covers with corners, enter the width of the heater on the left side measuring from the wall to the end of the heater. Then choose whether the right side ends at an inside or outside corner. Once your selection is made, you will see a new section to enter the width of the next run of heater. Continue this until the end of the heater. Look for guide symbols along the way for additional help.

Please note that lengths longer than 47" in total will be split into equal sections.

Please check here if you need a cutout for the cover to fit around your base trim on the left side

Please select how the left side of the heater starts:

Please note, you must select how the left side of the cover begins, then you will be able to enter the first length for your cover.

Please check here if you need a cutout for the cover to fit around your base trim on the right side

Enter the actual height and depth of your heater. Please add 2.25" onto the height if you are measuring to the heater fins in a freestanding application and not to the top of the old metal cover. Pricing for heaters 9" high and 4" deep and under will be the same. For larger covers, the price will increase proportional to the size of your heaters.


Please enter the overall Height of your heater.




Please enter the overall depth of your heater.



Please Select the style you would like by selecting an image below:

(Please note that when any detail other than square is chosen for the top and bottom vent along with the shaker style panel detail, the groove that is typically found on shaker panels will not be included as it is not compatible with other styles)

Choose the detail you would like around the top of your cover

(Please note that when any detail other than square is chosen for the top and bottom vent along with the shaker style panel detail, the groove that is typically found on shaker panels will not be included as it is not compatible with other styles)

Choose the shape you would like the top cutout to be:

Choose the shape you would like the bottom cutout to be:

What finish option would you like for your cover?

Please note that unfinished and primed covers need to be finished with at least 2 coats of finish, on all surfaces, before putting the cover into use.


If your cover is behind a piece of furniture and you would like it to vent through the top, please select below whether you would like to move the top vent from the front to the top of the cover as shown below. This option adds $4 per ft to the total.

If you live near Rockland, Ma and wish to pick up your cover, please select the option below:

Need your order sooner?

If you would like your order built faster than the stated turn around-times as shown in the order details, an accelerated turn-around can be chosen which adds 30% to the cost of the order. While it is preffered to have all orders follow the standard processing times, this quicker option has been asked for quite a bit over the years. Currently the accelerated turn-around time is 35 days. This option is not available on covers with custom paint colors. I will do my absolute best to get the order done in this timeframe and will prioritize your order. Stated timeframes do not take into account major Holidays, acts of nature and whatever else life may have in store. Please note that there is a limit to the size of the order which can be processed in this timeframe. If you are ordering a larger order of more than 100 linear feet, please contact us to inquire on the available options.

Additional notes:

Covers are custom made to order out of a premium mdf. Please check all of your measurements before ordering as we are not responsible for mistakes in the dimensions given to us. Please also note the material thickness used is 3/4". We add 1/4" to your dimensions for clearance around your heater. The overall size of your cover will be 1" taller and 1 1/4" deeper than the dimensions you provided. Where you are measuring to the end of the heater, the cover will be 1.25" longer on each end. Where measured to the Base trim, the dimension you provided will be the overall length not including the overhang on the top. Please make sure that when measuring to the base trim, you have 1" clear inside this dimension for the 3/4" material to fit. These dimensions include a 1/4" overhang for the top of the cover except when choosing the top venting option. All covers come flat packed, ready for very simple assembly Covers longer than 47" will be divided into equal sections no longer than 47". This ensures stability of the cover, allows the cover to slightly contour to not so straight walls and allows us to ship your order as economically as possible while ensuring your order will arrive safely!

Please note that we do not reccomend covering electric heaters unless the manufacturer of the heater can attest to the safety of covering their product with an mdf cover with 1/4" of clearance. Covering heaters that run off of a steam or hot water based system is perfectly safe as temperatures are inherrantly limited due to the systems design and will always run well within a safe range under 200 degrees f.

Here are the details of your order:

Please enter your zip code here:

Please note that all items added to the cart are saved to a database for later retrieval if needed. If you happen to lose the items in your cart due to an ordering issue or timeout, just send an email to support @ to request an invoice be sent.

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